COVID-19 is forcing business owners to re-evaluate their recycling options. With many employers utilizing protective equipment daily, turning to tried-and-true system processes that reuse sources is essential for environmental protection and financial savings.
Key Points
- Minimal Liquid Discharge (MLD) is a process that removes liquid waste and treats water for reuse, thereby increasing water usage efficiency.
- MLD has attracted a lot of attention worldwide in recent years.
- MLD cleans products and treats the extracted liquid.
- Part of MLD involves the use of brine concentrators to clean.
- PPE recycling also reuses sources to save money and positively impact the environment.
MLD Systems Process
The MLD treatment is designed to remove all liquid waste from a system or textile product. This discharge system aims to minimize wastewater and produce clean water, resulting in cost savings and positive environmental influences.
CLR’s treatment process consists of two steps:
- Pre-Concentration: Pre-concentrating the brine involves mixing membrane brine concentrators or electrodialysis (ED) to concentrate the stream to a high salinity in order to recover up to 60-80% of the water.
- Evaporation/Crystallization: The next step evaporates the leftover water, collects it, and prepares it for reuse. The waste left behind is then boiled down, crystallized, and filtered out as a solid.
MLD Wastewater Treatment Benefits
With the CLR minimal liquid discharge system, you’ll get an innovative brine management solution to recycle your water and clean your products, reducing your disposal costs.
We use an accurate blend of crystallizer solutions to get the best results. Some benefits of using our MLD system includes:
- Reduces water dependence on supple source agency
- Meets a social/environmental responsibility
- Almost 98% good water recovery
- Self-sustainable water usage industry
- Eliminates regulatory disposal norms and pollution discharge concerns
Contact us today to learn how you can build a healthy environment.
PPE Recycling Program
Recycling your personal protective equipment (PPE) has never been more crucial than now, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
PPE such as disposable gloves has seen a massive increase in the market. You can forget using disposable gloves while still being protected, saving money, and helping the environment. CLR’s PPE laundering services are tailored to suit four different types of gloves to provide you with a simply priced, sustainable glove recycling solution.
Our program also allows reusable products, such as aprons and other textiles, to be laundered while maintaining their quality. The 7-step process ensures materials are weighed, sorted, cleaned, and inspected before being returned to you, saving you up to 80% compared to disposal and rebuying assets.
To date, CLR has reused more than 22,000,000 pounds of solid and liquid waste recyclables, resulting in company savings. Contact us today, and we’ll tell you more about how you can help the environment and save money on costly, necessary PPE items.
Start Making an Impact With Closed Loop Recycling
CLR offers recycling solutions for several industries, including aerospace, automotive, packaging, and metal stamping. No matter what industry you’re in, we’re the recycling experts. We offer best-practice solutions for cleaning a variety of PPE, such as gloves, sleeves, aprons, jackets, and safety vests. When you choose CLR, you’re choosing a company that believes in recycling just as much as you do. We’re here for a purpose, and that purpose drives multiple results, such as cost savings, clean equipment, and environmental impact. Contact us today to learn about how we can help your company with beneficial recycling solutions.